JM Hampshire Author

Welcome to JM Hampshire's website

A dream come true

I am so pleased that you have found my home page, thank you for looking me up. I never thought the day would come that I would publish a book I had written, but here we are on a website specifically for that purpose.

My books are written from the heart, and I want you to believe in my characters and the situations they find themselves in. Most of the characters are based on real people with real problems, most of the locations (all of which are used in a fictional capacity) and situations are based on actual events and places that exist. At a rough guess, upwards of 80% of the events in these books have actually happened. I can only hope that you enjoy reading about them as much as I have enjoyed writing about them.

Same time next year? is available on Amazon (Paperback only), Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple Books, Smashwords and Booktopia. Please visit our Links page for the various outlets.

Check out The Authors Spot FIVE STAR review for Same time next year?

About FaB-Ex

FaB-Ex doesn't exist, at least not as far as I am aware. However, there are plenty of similar exhibitions running annually throughout the year, all over the world.

What a strange institution these exhibitions are! A single location where people who want to buy, and people who want to sell coming together for a short period of time under a cavernous overall roof. Add to that the fact that most attendees are away from home for the duration of the show, and have access to not only alcohol but other normally unattainable avenues of pleasure - and the result is a melting pot of the best and worst of human behaviour.

A real life soap opera happening every day, all around the world. Welcome to the world of the sales Expo. Welcome to FaB-Ex.